Thursday, April 23, 2009


Yes, it had to follow :)

So, what are we thinking of when I say "White" - purity, light, bright, "It's good and clean and fresh tralala"? Well, as a girl, what immediately comes to mind is a wedding dress (no, don't ask me why). So, here is one I did recently...
But obviously for guys this is quite different. So, what does white really mean?
I suppose it really symbolises purity, since we will be given white linen garments when we finally meet the Lord. I'm sure they will not be wedding dresses, but then again, are we not the bride of Jesus?

What does all of this have to do with fashion and conservative dressing? Well, I suppose we need a bigger perspective on things. We need to understand some biblical issues like how do we stay pure spiritually without compromising the way we dress. Here, again comes common sense (which I'm reminded is not that common) and you need to be aware of what the world values and teaches and what the Bible has to say.

So, how do we keep ourselves pure? By living a different life to what the world has to offer and to be pure in mind and spirit.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Since the last two posts have been on "good" and "evil" I want to take a closer look at why it is that a lot of people would have a picture in their head of "conservative wear" as black and white....

The history of dyes can be found here and gives quite a comprehensive overview of what was dyed and how. It is interesting to note that black was one of the first dyes to be artificially manufactured. Another thing I noted was that clergy only started dressing in black in the 9th century. So, I suppose black was associated with religion from very early on. Still, if it was reserved for the clergy, how did it filter down to the normal population?

I suppose colour does not have as much to do with it as covering parts that need to be covered. The shifting erogenous zone contributes a lot to what is acceptable and what is not. During the Baroque it was completely acceptable to expose breasts (for women), but you did not dare to expose your ankle. Oh dear!

Problem is, as Christians we need to be aware of the times and understand why people dress the way they do. In a time where anything goes, we cannot dress like the Amish (as below) because of ridicule. However, we are called to be separate from the world. So, how do we project that difference in the way dress?

So, we do not have go and wear black all the time. (YAY) Being a Christian is a somber affair, but there is also a lot of joy to be lived out and shown.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Beast

After posting yesterday, I went to the website I was waxing lyrical about and browsed through the fashion photos.

And then it struck me......
How many of them are not for the fashion but for the sexual connotation? The reason why most of the pictures are of women in various states of undress does not help.

Then how do we respond to this? I have recently read through an exposition of the Sermon on the Mount. Here Jesus clearly points out that lust is as much adultery as the real thing. So, how can we keep ourselves pure?

Fashion unfortunately has taken on the sexual aspect no matter where you go, no matter which magazine you buy and no matter which photos you look at. It is a marketing tool that the world uses to entice women and men to buy what is on offer. And entice is the right word, since it draws you in on desires and not on want or need.

As Christians we need to understand that and make a concerted effort to really only look at the clothing. This is becoming increasingly difficult in a world that is moving further and further away from God's truth. Do we then say that we, as Christians do not support those companies that depict fashion in this way? Well, where do we go then? We cannot afford to pay tailors and dressmakers for every item of clothing that we may need.
Do we then start making our own? As much as that is an option, our lifestyles seldom allow for the time that that would need.

So, I think that the only option is to weigh up the options and rather than expose ourselves to the marketing, visit the shops and decide for ourselves whether it is appropriate enough to wear.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Beauty and the Beast

Hello everyone.

This blog aims to serve those of us who are fashion conscious and do not know sometimes how to reconcile this with godly living.

As humans we all know beauty but are often confused as to what exactly beauty is. Now there are many philosophical scholars who have tried to argue and define what beauty is and I'm not even going to try to equal any of their findings. Yet, I know the God who made beauty and who appreciates His own creation. Why would He create trees just to look at? If you need references go to Genesis 1.

In fashion this is a little more complex, since we all need clothes. And if you are wondering why, read Genesis 3. God himself became the first dressmaker and clothed Adam and Eve. Therefore we all can appreciate clothes and their beauty and functionality at the same time.

I always appreciate photographers who can capture beauty in ways that show the decay of the world around us in contrast. There are thousands of examples on my favourite art website. With a little browsing under photography you will find many examples - see below...

The sad thing is that fashion has often served those who want to shock and the big design houses are some who have used this tactic. Just look at Alexander McQueen's first couture ranges and you will understand. (I will post pictures soon, since they are not available on the website)

I will refine this theme a little more in the next few post, but for now, I will leave you with two pictures that show the contrast I was talking about earlier.