Monday, March 1, 2010

Plastic Surgery

In light of my trying to re-invent myself, I came across this picture:


The sign says: "Plastic Surgery ". 

Unfortunately the three ladies on the right are depicted as stereotypes, but are they really the only ones that are the main customers?

Here is my view on it:
"No matter where you go, you take yourself with you" I think these are the wisest words someone once said to me. I think not only does this apply to when people change work, their church, their place of study, or even countries, but also when people start surgically altering their bodies to become unrecognisable or to become more attractive (what the world views as attraction). No matter how much we change the outside, we still, in essence, are who we are and we still have a fundamental problem - that of sin.

Plastic surgery, like creams, and pills, can lead to addiction, and that is slavery. In the beginning, plastic surgery was used to make people look younger and stem the signs of ageing. Then methods were developed to alter the body with implants of all shapes and sizes and in more places than one, or reduce the areas that people were unhappy with. The film "She Devil" gives a dramatic picture, in the worst possible way of this.

What are people trying to achieve when they change their bodies by surgery? Well, in part, I think we all try to look like someone else, whether it be by dressing in the latest fashions, or using more invasive methods. Whether plastic surgery was made poular by celebrities or others, the fact remains, we can never be another person, no matter how much we change the outside.

I like how the Bible views ageing. It is seen as a crown - the epitomy of life. Grey hair shows that you are highly esteemed, because you have attained wisdom. (Proverbs 16:31, Isaiah 46:4) Also, the older you are, the closer you are to the day that the Lord can call you home. We can wear our age with pride. Also beauty is viewed as coming from other things than exterior looks (1 Peter 3:3)

What about going against what society teaches and strive to be more like us - who we are as individuals that we were created to be? In the process, if we become more like Jesus, we come to reflect His beauty. We can only shine if the fundamental flaw (sin) has been dealt with.

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