Saturday, February 6, 2010


Looking at our fascination with  the shocking and macabre....
Is the desire to shock not also at the same time the desire to be accepted or noticed? Why do I ask this question - well, if we can get someone to notice us, are we then less lonely / alone? At the same time the desire might stem from a rebellious attitude and our sinful nature.
Why would someone modify their body with a piece of permanent artwork? I'm not advocating tattoos, but I can admire a beautiful piece of art.

My understanding of tattoos are the combination of my worldview and my research into its origins.

1. Worldview: in the Biblical sense, our bodies are temples and a tattoo is like graffiti on its walls. I does not belong, no matter how beautiful the artwork is. Others may argue that it could be like the frescoes or murals in churches (although these were mostly on the inside). If one can argue like this, I will counter with:

2. Origins: Most tattoos have their origin in witchcraft / the occult / tribal rites of passage / superstition. Some of the most awesome tattoos are of the Maori of New Guinea (see picture on the left) which forms part of a rite of passage to prove strength to withstand pain.

Other forms of body modification are practiced by many African tribes, of which this picture is probably the most spectacular. This is not a tattoo per se, but touches on some of the more adventurous person, who has implants under the skin. To achieve the tribal "art", a small incision is made, into which ash or dirt is rubbed to form an infection and scar tissue. Over a period of time, this process is repeated to achieve the desired effect. Again this forms part of a rite of passage and also is believed to ward off evil spirits.

These days, the same effect (and worse) can be achieved by implanting titanium pieces under the skin, to even give a Braille effect as can be see below.

As Christians we have all an outer beauty that we need and all the spiritual protection to go with it. We do not need to modify anything to be accepted by the Most High, except our hearts and that is an internal change. What more do you want? The indwelling of the Holy Spirit makes our bodies into a temple and no amount of beautification, on the outside will make it any less.

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